That feeling you never forget

It was opening day of muzzleloader in the state of Rhode Island November 7th of 2015. I lay in my bed staring at my ceiling going over the game plan I have thought of the night before while I was packing up my car and making sure my gear was ready to go. It’s been... Continue Reading →

Diary of A Hunter

My biological grandfather was an engineer for Boston & Maine RR. His job was to take the sports from Boston to Greenville Junction, Maine. This was in the 30's to 40's. While there he would head off to do some fishing or hunting in the northern reaches of Moosehead Lake area. He made friends with... Continue Reading →

Fall Turkey Hunting

The morning is cool. The woods are quiet and dark as you slip your way into your blind. You’ve been careful to not be seen, dressed head to toe in camo and armed with your trusty turkey-dominating 12 gauge. Nothing… but nothing could make this morning more perfect. The sky begins to lighten and silhouettes... Continue Reading →

A Man Living a Dream…

There once was a man who had a passion for hunting. This passion brought him all over the country seeing many new places and meeting many great people. This man has always had a great appreciation for being able to live his dream. The animals who gave their lives in order for this man to... Continue Reading →

“5 feet away” The Bear Story​

It was November 10, 2010, the weather was mild, in the 40’s, the sun was shining. The hunting party, consisting of Clem, Kawika, Mike, Gary and myself (Rob) had just woken up, had their breakfast, asked God to bless the food, to keep everyone safe and to please bless the hunt. This year was different... Continue Reading →

Shotgun for Beginners

So you want to buy a shotgun? The modern shotgun is not the "scatter gun" of old. The blunderbuss was the inspiration for today's shotgun. 1850 was the beginning of the shotgun in common use. Let's take a look at your needs and wants first. What are you going to use it for? Shotguns are... Continue Reading →

The one that got away​

It all started in 2013, I flew to Pittsburgh Pa. to meet a dear friend. This was a very good friend of mine we have hunted many places around the country together for many different types of game. We have made many memories together which can never be taken away. A reason why I always... Continue Reading →

Fishing With Dad

One of the best stories I can remember is fishing with my dad. He is a military man who was always deployed overseas, but when he was home he always found time to take us fishing. This is when I first found a love for the outdoors. My dad spent countless years in the military... Continue Reading →

Grandpa’​s Knife

I woke up this morning with an Idea to kindle a trend here at the Northeast Woodsman. I want to start something with the members here called Sunday morning stories. I would like to encourage you all to please engage with the stories and memories of an item that you consider to be the most... Continue Reading →

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